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7 Reasons to Run or Walk Our Second Annual Thanksgiving Day 5K


7 Reasons to Run the Wobble Gobble

Cassie Mason Szeliga

Cassie fosters long-term relationships with her clients who oftentimes turn out to become great friends...

Cassie fosters long-term relationships with her clients who oftentimes turn out to become great friends...

Oct 17 3 minutes read

7 Reasons Why You Should Walk or Run Our Second Annual Thanksgiving Day 5K

I had a blast last year helping to organize Bethel’s first annual Wobble and Gobble 5K. The event takes place on Thanksgiving morning and raises money for the Bryant Pond 4H Learning Center. 

This year, we are opening registration at 7:30am inside The Gem theater and the race begins at 8:30am, click here to register online now.

The 5K course is challenging and rewarding. If you are not a runner or a walker, we would love volunteer support! Please email me if you have the time and interest: [email protected]

Here are 7 reasons that should encourage you to participate:

1.    There is a Costume Prize: You don’t need to be the fastest of either gender to win something this year! We are making it totally feasible for you to walk away just by dressing up. Your costume doesn’t need to be Thanksgiving related (but extra points if it is), really you could just hold off on putting away this year’s Halloween costume and get the extra miles out of it.

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2.    The Tech Wick Shirts Are Awesome: I mean how many Turkey’s-Donning- Ski- Gear will you wear in your lifetime? Last year’s neon orange shirts are all over town and this year’s is long sleeve and royal blue.

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3.    Caloric Burn Gives You an Excuse to Eat Even More: I can’t be the only one there who runs to eat, right? Bring on the pies! All the pies- God knows we’ve earned ‘em. 

4.    Traditions Are Good For Your Soul: This is true! Traditions are great for families and for children, they are good for us on a social and psychological level. Who knew?! I didn’t until I read this article

5.    The Course is Challenging (But Easy After Mile 1.5): You’ll curse me for a bit of this race, but, good news, it’s only the first half. Then it’s all downhill from there (literally)! By the time you get to the finish, you’ll be over it and Number 3 will be even more justified. 

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6.    All Proceeds go to The Bryant Pond 4H Learning Center: We are so lucky to have this campus in our area. The Bryant Pond Learning Center has been a major resource for outdoor, experiential learning in our school district and they offer legacy programs to kids and adults from around the world. Find out more here!

7.    Dogs, Strollers & Dancing are Welcome: Last year, we had them all! Please leash and pick up after your dogs.  The more the merrier – this is a great event to start implementing as a family tradition so bring everyone! 

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Prefer the Trails? 

Here are 3 New Trails that can easily be made into a 5K Trail Run

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